Well it sure is not as cool this morning as it was yesterday, guess it is gonna be one of those days, inside with the air conditioning on. That is ok because the last thing I want to do is yard work...the flower beds are full of weeds and need attention, but with the pain I have under my ribs that ain't happening...Steve has been watering the tomato plants, willow tree & japanese maple for me, so let the weeds grow I don't care.
Yesterday I started off doing a few little chores, but the laundry is still waiting...guess I will do a couple of loads today. Thankfully I feel pretty good this morning and I took a pain pill about an hour ago so I am getting relief from the pain I do have. I hate taking pain medication but when you have been cut breastbone to bellybutton, sometimes you have no choice. I am being very careful and do not take them on a regular basis but sometimes you just do what you have to do. All the doctors agree there is no reason for me to lay around in pain if I don't have to...it just stresses the body more and interfers with the healing process. I am just waiting for the day I feel normal again.
It is very difficult to keep pushing when you feel like crap...but I have no choice. I did not ask to get cancer but it has become my reality...I am trying to find my way and it is a bumpy ride that is for sure. I wish I could just lay down and pull the covers over me and not get up again, I am so tired of being sick everyday. Yes I said everyday, not all day but at some point everyday I feel sick. I am tired when I get up in the mornings and even the smallest chore wears me out. I have always been the kind of person that did what I wanted to when I wanted to, not do something then sit down and rest. I am exhausted all the time, even now, just sitting here writing this blog I can feel myself getting tired and a small wave of nausea just washed over me, thank goodness it passed but feeling this way sure can drag you down. I do wish for the old days when I felt good.
There are so many things I have to do, I have gotten so far behind on my housework that I am surprised the dust bunnies can stand it, I think a few of them even have asthma. I try to do something each day, but since I was sick things have been neglected. I guess I need to get off the computer and just do something before I lose all my energy...the goal today is to catch up on the laundry, unload the dishwasher and make a nice dinner. Maybe the eggplant parmeasan I didn't make the other day. That does not sound like to much to accompolish today. Plus,I will be working on the afghan while I am resting between chores...or if I get to tired I will just crochet.
Remember to always be thankful for everything you have, pray for those less fortunate, be loyal to your friends you never know when you will be the one that needs something, hug a kid, hug the furry kids, try to look at the positive things and not dwell on the negative and never give up...remember life is a precious gift, don't waste it. Health, happiness, peace and love my friends!!! :)