Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spent the afternoon sitting under the trees at the picnic table...

Yep, I took a shower, went to the store and picked up a few things. When I got home I put the groceries and prescriptions away, by that time Steve was home. Well needless to say it was a pleasant afternoon in the edge of our woods, where the picnic table is. So instead of cleaning up the kitchen, doing laundry or any of the many chores I could have been doing...I got a cold drink and went out and spent the afternoon sitting under the trees, at the picnic table with Steve, watching the squirrels and birds playing in the woods. It was such a pleasant relaxing afternoon, there was a little breeze that took the edge off the heat and being in the shaded woods was great. And I had some good quality time with Steve just doing nothing...

This morning I got up at my usual 2am, sorry but that is the schedule of a service person...gotta do the work when the buildings are unoccupied. I have cleaned up the kitchen and am waiting for a load of laundry to finish so I can run the dishwasher. I hope to at least vaccum but I don't know I am running out of steam, so this may be a light work day...I have decided that I cannot do as much as I might want to, if I push myself to hard I will just pay for it later. Having cancer does suck your energy faster than if you didn't have it. You would think after 14 months I would be used to it by now, but I don't think you ever get used to it, you just come to an agreement with it.

At least I can crochet some today, maybe even finish the current baby afghan I am making...if I don't sell them as I make them, there is a craft show before Christmas and I may get a table and sell them there! :) That would be good to, Christmas cash would be grand. Any cash would be grand.

Speaking of money, I am going to talk to my primary doctor when I go her about "disability"...someone asked me if I was getting ss disability and I told them no, I did not consider myself "disabled" and they laughed...laughed right in my face...not being mean, but because I didn't consider my disabled. They pointed out all the medical issues I have and how my health issues interfere with my day to day living. I don't want to be a sponge on an already stressed program, but with all the benefits that even illegal aliens get, I think I am going to check into it...I sure worked all my life and paid into social security and medicare just like everybody else...so if I am qualified to receive it I am going to apply for it.

Ok, laundry in the dryer and the dishwasher is washing. I guess it is time to get off the computer and fix breakfast so I can take my handful of morning pills. Then I am going to move to the front porch and enjoy the day awakening. I love the early morning hours, it is quiet except for the night creatures...crickets are chirping, birds are singing and the sun is just beginning to break on the horizon...hope it is gonna be a good day, calling for some possible showers today and that's ok we can use it.

As always be thankful for your health and your loved ones...hug a kid, tell a friend how much they mean to you, be kind and don't dwell on yourself there is someone worse off, think of those less fortunate and smile...it could be the only kindness someone sees today.  Positive thoughts=positive energy=positive outcome...

Health, happiness, peace and love my friends! :)