Some days I feel like I could sleep 20 out of 24 hours...using the 4 to eat and change positions. I know how lazy that sounds, believe me one of the hardest things about all of this is not being able to do what I want to. In orientation they told us to exercise every day and try to walk a mile a day, outside if possible to get out of the house... :)
okay I just got up off the floor after laughing my butt off...I am lucky to have the energy to go from the bedroom to the living room, then make it over to the kitchen to get something to eat & drink. Finally, yesterday I made a Shepherd's pie, it took me about three times as long to get it together because I kept getting dizzy, but after much persistance I must say it was very tasty last night for dinner!
These days the number of foods that actually sound good to me are very limited, in fact on bad days applesauce and chicken noodle soup (mainly the broth ) have pretty much been it. Recently yoplait strawberry yogurt has been working well too and of course I drink carnation essentials instant breakfast fact the doc said if I could not eat but the instant breakfast went down well to drink it, she said 5 glasses would help keep up nutrition level.
My nerves are also a mess as you might imagine...I am doing everything I can as far as the chemo etc., but I am not going to have a happy ending. I always read about Patrick Swayze and Steve Jobs and I felt so sad for them and their families, never in a million years did I ever dream that it was to become my future also. I hate what it is doing to my Steve, he sure as hell does not deserve this. He works weirder hours, so he can get his work done and take me to all my these days it is a lot harder to miss time from work, our insurance co-pays have gone thru the roof. I know I am lucky not to have to pay more, but my co-pay for EACH IV chemo treatment is $327.24...that is with insurance, I have no idea what we would do if we did not have insurance.
Okay, enough of the pity party...I am glad that I am able to get the treatment and medicines I need to make me feel a little better, I am thankful for a loving husband who is doing everything he can think of to make me feel better. I am thankful that at least I am not going thru this alone or unloved.
Please live everyday like it is your last, that way you will not waste it with all the petty stuff that we get caught up in. Tell those you love how much they mean to you, enjoy the simple things...
Health, happiness, peace & love my dear friends... :)