Sunday, July 31, 2011

You can't get stuck in the tunnel....never give up...

Finally I feel like I have seen the break in the light at the end of the tunnel...I actually did not get nauseated when Steve made breakfast this morning, I don't know what it is but right now my body is going through this thing with raw meat...raw meat of any kind just turns my stomach! So when I may be able to eat, I just can't stand to handle and cook it. Thank goodness we live in a frozen food paradise, I know not the best thing in the world to eat, but when you feel like crap it is so handy to just pop something in the oven or microwave. And I just have to do what I have to do. I am feeling better today, still drained like I have been working double shifts, altho I have done basically nothing for the last 11 or so days. I have been able to eat the last 2 or 3 days so that is really helping me regain my strength and of course when you physically feel better the depression lessens...I try not to whine to much about how I feel, but there are times that it is impossible to hide it. I decided that it is ok to have a bump in the road, I just won't let myself get stuck in the ditch. I have accepted the fact that there are going to be times that I just can't do the things I am used to doing, and it will either have to wait or just not get done. I am so grateful for every blessing I have, I love my husband and my little dog Janie, remember to be thankful for your health it can mean the world of difference as to how you must do things, don't forget to find the joy in being alive, where there is life there is hope...tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, hug a kid, smile at a stranger...remember no matter how bad things may be, there is always someone who is worse off, don't get to wrapped up in yourself that you forget others. Today I am going to work on a baby afghan, that always makes me feel better...Health, happiness, peace & love my friends.  :)