Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I have been busy as a bee crocheting afghans...

I hope each of you are having a great time and are doing well. I have not been blogging or on the computer for a few days because I have been busy as a bee crocheting afghans. I made a blue one for a lady and made $50 so it was worth it, I sit around a lot
and have to kinda pace my work anyways, so why not crochet while sitting and make
a little spending money? Also, I have a sick friend who I thought needed a "lap blanket" so I made her one, too! Gotta go mail it sometime today. So I guess "Blankies by Becky" may just turn into a small cottage business. Cottage being my house and my front porch. There is nothing as nice,on the porch in the rocker or swing crocheting, rather it is a small afghan for a baby or a larger one for laps or sofas. It is something that soothes the soul seeing something beautiful come together out of a piece of yarn, a stick and a crochet hook. I have always made afghans for everyone I know, so lets see if I can make a go of selling some of them. The days have been so pleasant recently it has been wonderful sitting and listening to the wildlife around me and making afghans. When I crochet I can ignore the pain I am having and instead imagine the small person who will end up with it. It makes me happy to make them and it is really making me happy now that I figured out I should sell them...go figure! duh!!
I have really been letting my housework go so I guess I will have to go and do a little before the dust bunnies take over. And of course I am starting another afghan, this one is varigated baby yarn and will be for sale in a few days. I will post it when it is done.
I hope each of you have an amazing day and be careful in the heat, stay hydrated and be safe. Remember to be thankful for your health, love you family and friends, hug a kid, kiss a friend and tell them how much they mean to you. Remember you can live life alone, but it is not nearly as much fun. Enjoy each day of your life, don't dwell on all the stuff you can't do anything about...rejoice and live life don't waste it!!!  Health, happiness, peace & love my friends.  :)