Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blue Skies & Sunshine always chase my blues away...

Have you ever noticed how "blue" you start feeling after days of gray rainy weather? You are stuck inside and can't do the things you really want to do outside and if it is raining you probably have painful joints from arthritis. I hate these kind of days, oh I know we need the rain and all that, but after weeks of rain it does get old very quick. Arthritis is acting up and you are in pain from not being able to get out and move around. The only thing to do is turn on all the lights, turn up the volumne on the tv or radio and do something. Gray days are perfect for catching up on all the nasty little jobs we have been putting off. Personally for me, it has been a long time since I have been physically able to do a lot of things, so there is never a shortage of stuff to do.  BUT nothing beats the sun shining and a beautiful blue sky to make everything seem right. I can be in pain, depressed and just not feel well, but there is just something about a beautiful day to uplift the spirit. I love to work in my flower beds and yard, with the birds singing & flying around. There is a certain peace I get in the country where I live that cannot be found other places. My husband built our house for me and I get to do pretty much what I want to in it, ok lie, I get to do whatever I want to do in it. I have spent many days sitting on my front porch rocking or swinging recouperating from surgery in the midst of a beautiful setting. The spring is such a wonderful time of year, everything is coming to life and bursting forth in beauty...sometimes it seems like you can almost see the leaves growing. To see a beautiful flower blooming, a bird teaching its fledglings how to fly and where to find yummy sunflower seeds, feeling the warm sun on your skin are all priceless. Remember to be thankful for everything you have been blessed with, your health, loved ones, home, food on your table every day, clothes and money to pay your bills. Blue skies and sunshine are in the forecast and I plan to enjoy my little piece of heaven...

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