Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5th IV chemo infusion today, only one more in this round...then scan and see what effect it had...

Five down and one more to go, this round of chemo is just about more infusion next week, then wait a couple of weeks and then the scan to see what reaction the cancer had to the chemo. For all that I have been through the past 6 months I sure hope the cancer is teeny tiny and stays that way for a long time.  I don't mind doing all this if it is really gonna help, now all I can do is pray that it did work better this time than last.

Today I feel a little better. This morning before chemo I did a couple of loads of laundry, made the bed and made a shepard's pie for dinner this evening. Usually after chemo I am pretty tired, so all I have to do for dinner is heat it up! :)  Cooking has been one of the most difficult things to do consistantly, between the nausea and vomiting preparing food is the last thing you feel like doing. Plus you are just so damn tired...sometimes standing at the stove is just to much. I am so hopeful after next week maybe  I will start to feel more normal and back to my old self. I am really not the kind of person that asks for help, I am just used to doing things for myself and old habits are hard to break.

Today has been absolutely beautiful, I have gone out on the front porch just for a breath of fresh air every chance I have gotten today. It has been one of those days that you could just curl up with a good book or laptop and sit in the rocker or porch swing for most of the day, just reading away the hours.
Janie has really enjoyed the mild weather we have been enjoying, she does not like to leave me for very long, but it has been so nice that she just has to go out for short periods of play time. We have s few moles in the yard and one of her favorite activities is "moling", in the past 6 months or so she has caught 2 that I know of. And of course laying in the sun is very high on her to do list. It is very strange if I feel ok she will go out and play and sun for a while, but if I do not feel well she only goes out to do her business and then she is back inside with me. So I guess I do have my own private nurse, she just has 4 legs.

Okay I am going to go lay down for a few minutes before I get dinner together, just wanted to let everyone know that the 5th infusion was done and I am hanging in there. I hope everyone has an amazing rest of the day and evening...hug the ones you love, always tell them how much they mean to you, be thankful for everything that you have been blessed with. Wealth is measured in the people that love and care about you, and I am rich beyond compare!!!!

Health, happiness, peace & love my friends...May God smile on you today!!!  :)