Saturday, April 16, 2011

welcome to becky's bytes

Welcome to becky's bytes. I have read many blogs about cancer, survivors, and the loss families go through. I have so much going thru my mind that I don't even know where to begin. I guess the first thing I want everyone to know is that pancreatic cancer is not an automatic death sentence. I am living proof of that. My cancer should not have been found and should have killed me, but with the determination of my doctor we found a mass in my pancreas, that turned out to be a 2cm stage 1 cancer. After having surgery to remove the body & tail of my pancreas, spleen, 8" of intestine & 6 cancerous lymph nodes...I am proof that there can be life after pancreatic cancer. Later I am going to tell you about the symptoms to be aware of, if you know your body it will tell you something is wrong. To many of us just choose to ignore the little aching pain, nausea, changes in bowel movements, thinking it will go away while all the time a deadly cancer is growing. If I can save one life by sharing my experiences then it will be worth it. It is so easy to dwell on how scared you are or how bad you feel...but trust me it is just as easy to enjoy the sunshine, the fact that you wake up every morning, your friends, loved ones, pets, birds singing, the glisten of a spring flower. There is beauty all around us, we just have to open our eyes and our hearts to see it. The smallest thing can give you great pleasure, go fly a kite on a windy day with a kid, let their lust for life rub off on you, you may be surprised that the inner child does want to come out and play.

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