Monday, April 18, 2011

symptoms I had with pancreatic cancer...

Before I go any further I just want to tell you the symptoms that I had. Some of them I ignored for a while and some of them I blamed on my MS. I had a nagging pain under my left ribcage going around into my back. This I blamed on being an MS "hug", not realizing I was actually having 2 different pains that felt very similar, the difference being the"hug" goes all the way around, while the pancreas pain only goes about half way around. Then of course there are the dietary issues, some foods (red meat, processed meats, fat & a few others) cause discomfort mid abdomen, you think it is your stomach, when in fact it is your pancreas, which is located behind your stomach not producing the proper enzymes. Also, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, loss of appetite, bowel changes, exhausted all the time, and just a general sense of not feeling well. It was a miracle that my cancer was discovered, as the kind I had was fast growing and located in the body of my pancreas, these usually go undetected until it is to late because of their location. In my case the mass was on the bile duct, which caused the pain, nausea & turn allowing it to be found at stage 1...

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