Sunday, December 25, 2011

Can't sleep, so why not bake cake?!?!

Okay, I know it is 4am Christmas morning and I can't sleep, I have been awake since around 2am so I figured why not make my lemon cake? I am full of pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving so I made walnut chocolate chip & molasses cookies yesterday and have a lemon cake in the oven, it is going to have a buttercream frosting and coconut!! yum, yum...I love lemon cake and coconut, so put them together and bam! As far as I am concerned that could be my Christmas dinner, but a little later I am going to put a pot roast, potatoes, carrots, etc. in the crock pot for the real dinner. Only hope my energy will last long enough, that is why I went ahead and made the cake this morning while I felt like doing it...these days I don't know what the day will bring.

I hope each of you have an amazing day with the ones you love...I know money is tight this year but remember it is the love and people that truly make a happy Christmas, not how many brightly wrapped packages there are under the tree with your name on them.
Our little spruce tree with its beautiful bright lights and bulbs could easily be 10 ft. tall in my is beautiful and perfect! I am truly thankful that I am starting to feel a little better and a little stronger as each day goes by. Finally I feel like eating and for me that is a good thing...there are still plenty of foods that are not on the menu but the ones my body wants are doing much better.

Enjoy the day and spread a little love and cheer!! Be thankful for your health, the safe gathering of family and friends and all you have been blessed with. I love you all and wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!! :)

Health, happiness, peace & love my friends...